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YongWook's Notes
<인공지능> Monk's Problem 본문
Solution to the monk problem (한글은 밑에)
The monk problem (Duncker, 1945)
One morning a Buddhist monk sets out at sunrise to climb a path up the mountain to reach the temple at the summit. He arrives at the temple just before sunset. A few days later, he leaves the temple at sunrise to descend the mountain, traveling somewhat faster since it is downhill. Show that there is a spot along the path that the monk will occupy at precisely the same time of day on both trips.
One morning a Buddhist monk sets out at sunrise to climb a path up the mountain to reach the temple at the summit. He arrives at the temple just before sunset. A few days later, he leaves the temple at sunrise to descend the mountain, traveling somewhat faster since it is downhill. Show that there is a spot along the path that the monk will occupy at precisely the same time of day on both trips.
How not to represent the problem: (드래그)
Thinking about the problem in mathematical terms, or in terms of rates and distances will be unproductive.
Thinking about the problem in mathematical terms, or in terms of rates and distances will be unproductive.
A more productive way to represent the problem: (드래그)
Representing the problem visually leads to a fairly obvious solution. Visualize the path of the monk ascending the mountain, starting at dawn, and his path descending the mountain, also starting at dawn. If the paths start at opposite ends of the trail at the same time, they must meet somewhere. Another approach is to think of two monks to represent his two jouneys, one walking up the trail and one walking down at the same time. The two monks must meet somewhere on the trail, therefore occupying the same spot on the trail at the same time of day.
Representing the problem visually leads to a fairly obvious solution. Visualize the path of the monk ascending the mountain, starting at dawn, and his path descending the mountain, also starting at dawn. If the paths start at opposite ends of the trail at the same time, they must meet somewhere. Another approach is to think of two monks to represent his two jouneys, one walking up the trail and one walking down at the same time. The two monks must meet somewhere on the trail, therefore occupying the same spot on the trail at the same time of day.
한 수도승이 해뜰녘에 산꼭대기에 있는 절에 올랐다. 하나밖에 없는 좁은 길로 쉬엄쉬엄하며 일정하지 않은 속도로 오르던 그는 해가 질 무렵 절에 도착했다. 절에서 사흘을 보내고 다시 해뜰녘에 그는 하산하였다. 하지만 내려가는 길이라 오를때보다는 조금 더 빨리 내려갈 수 있었다. 이때 그 수도승이 산을 오를 때와 내려갈 때 같은 시각, 같은 장소에 있었음을 증명하라.
해답 : 수학적으로 증명하려고 접근한다면 비생산적이다. 해답은 시각적으로 생각하는 것이다. 산을 오르는 수도승과 내려가는 수도승을 따로 생각하고 같은 날 같은 시각에 산 아래와 산 위에서 동시에 출발한다고 생각하고 그들을 머릿속에 그려보면 특정시각에 그들이 특정장소에서 한번은 마주칠 것임을 알 수 있다.
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